A glimpse into our upcoming documentary project, Cutting the Line, due for release in early 2022.
Cutting the Line follows husband and wife team, Katja and Naude Dreyer, and their three children Dylan, Nina and Marley, as they embark on a mission to rescue entangled seals along the Namibian coastline and raise urgent awareness about ocean plastic pollution. What starts as one spur-of-the-moment rescue quickly grows into a unique environmental organisation, driven by the power of social media.
Armed with handheld nets, tools, and the support of a passionate community, they now find themselves pitted against a mounting global crisis.
Track: Nâma he ta ge hâ By Sagarias Tsam/@sagarias_tsam
A film by Now Now Media and Plastic Oceans International
Written and produced by: Will Bendix (@will.bendix) and Alan van Gysen (@alanvangysen)
Producers: Julie Andersen (@julie.s.andersen), Tod Hardin (@todhardin)
Executive Producer: William Pfeiffer (@william_pfeiffer)
Principal cinematography: Alan van Gysen
Additional cinematography: Calvin Thompson (@calvinthompson_films)
Aerial cinematography: Will Bendix
Edited by: Brett Shaw (@brettbertshaw)
Directed by: Will Bendix and Alan van Gysen
Music by: Sagarias Tsam